What is a Cross Check in Lacrosse?

Are you familiar with the term cross check in lacrosse? If so, you’re not alone. Many people are unfamiliar with this important part of the game. A cross check is when a player uses the shaft of their lacrosse stick to hit another player who has the ball.

Depending on the situation, this can either be done in the air or on the ground. Depending on the severity of the offense, cross checking can result in a penalty. So, now that you know what a cross check is, be sure to use it properly and within the rules of the game!

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Importance of understanding cross checking in lacrosse

It is important to understand how to use cross checking appropriately in the game of lacrosse. Being aware of when and where to cross check will make you more effective on defense.

Also, offensive players should know how to avoid being cross checked, as this can result in serious injuries. This is why coaches should make sure their players understand the rules and regulations of proper cross checking in order to ensure everyone’s safety.

A player can also gain an advantage over their opponent by understanding proper cross checking technique.  The cross check can be used both on offense and defense by players who master this skill.

How a cross check is performed

There are two ways a player can make a cross check on their opponent. One method involves swinging the stick across their opponent’s body in an arc-like motion. This type of cross check should not be done with a high level of force, as it can result in serious injury.

Second, one can use the shaft of the stick to push or pull the opponent away from the ball by lunging forward with the stick. This should also be done with minimal force and care should always be taken not to injure another player.

Lacrosse cross checks can be effective tools when used effectively and within the rules of the game. A player’s safety on the field can depend on knowing when and how to use the equipment.

Consequences of improper cross checking

Depending on the severity of the infraction, cross checking can result in a minor or major penalty. Minor penalties will usually result in a warning, while more serious cases can lead to fines and suspensions from play.

It is also possible for the offender to be charged with assault or battery if an injury occurs directly as a result of improper cross checking. As improper cross checking can result in serious consequences, it is imperative to use proper technique and follow the rules of the game.

Tips for avoiding cross checking penalties

Follow the rules of the game and practice proper technique to avoid cross checking penalties. In order to prevent cross-checks, players should also be aware of their surroundings.

Moreover, when hitting opponents, players should maintain a distance from their bodies and avoid excessive force. Finally, coaches should emphasize the importance of proper cross checking technique to their players and ensure they are all in compliance with the rules.

Types of Lacrosse Checks

There are three main types of lacrosse checks that players can use to gain possession of the ball: Stick Checks, Body Checks, and Crease Checks.

1. Stick Checks

Stick Checks involve using a player’s stick to disrupt an opponent’s grip on the ball. A player can also use their stick as a shield while they try to dislodge the ball from their opponent.

2. Body Checks

Body Checks are physical collisions between two players in an attempt to gain control of the ball. A player may use their body to block or deflect the ball away from their opponent, or try to knock their opponent off balance and gain control of the ball.

3. Crease Checks

Crease Checks involve a player entering the “crease” or goal area with the ball. Players may use their body, or stick to check an opponent in this area and attempt to gain control of the ball.

These checks are important tools for a lacrosse player to have in order to succeed on the field. Knowing when and how to properly execute these checks will be crucial for any lacrosse player to become a successful player.

It is important to note that these checks should only be used within the rules of the game and with respect for other players’ safety. Check-related penalties, such as slashing or unnecessary roughness, can result in disciplinary action from game officials. Additionally, some leagues have more stringent rules regarding the types of checks that may be used in their games.

By understanding the different types of lacrosse checks and when to properly use them, players will have a better chance at winning possession of the ball and helping their team succeed on the field.


What is cross checking?

Cross checking is a type of defensive technique in lacrosse where the player uses the haft of their lacrosse stick to hit another player who has the ball.

What are the consequences of improper cross checking?

Improper cross checking can result in either a minor or major penalty, depending on the severity of the infraction. Additionally, if an injury occurs as a direct result of improper cross checking, the offender could be charged with assault or battery.

How can I avoid cross checking penalties?

In order to avoid cross checking penalties, it is important to practice proper technique and follow the rules of the game. Players should also be aware of their surroundings in order to prevent others from cross checking them or vice versa.

It’s also important for players to avoid hitting opponents’ bodies with their sticks and not use excessive force. Last but not least, coaches should make sure their players are using proper cross-checking technique and following the rules.

What is the best way to perform a cross check?

The best way to perform a cross check is to swing the stick in an arc-like motion across the body towards their opponent’s chest or back. This should be done with minimal force and care should always be taken not to injure another player.

Also, players should keep an eye on their surroundings to avoid being cross-checked by others or vice versa. Using proper technique and adhering to the rules of the game is crucial to achieving the best possible outcomes. Incorrect cross-checking can have severe consequences.


Cross checking is undoubtedly an essential part of lacrosse and may also be used defensively. The proper cross checking technique is crucial for players to avoid penalties, injuries, and possible legal repercussions.

Please accept my sincere thanks for taking the time to read this article about cross checking in lacrosse. We hope this information has helped you understand what it is and how it should be done. Good luck on the field!

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