How to Scoop a Lacrosse Ball: A Comprehensive Guide

It’s important to know how to scoop a lacrosse ball correctly so that you can save time and energy while playing. This blog post will teach you the proper technique.

Scooping a lacrosse ball is an essential skill for any player. It’s a technique that involves picking up the ball from the ground and catching it in your stick.

How to Scoop a Lacrosse Ball

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you master the art of scooping.

1: Choose the Right Stick

  • Look for a stick with a scoop that’s curved and has a rounded edge.
  • Consider the length of your stick, as shorter sticks make it easier to scoop.
  • Invest in a stick with a good pocket, as this will help you retain control of the ball.

2: Get into the Right Position

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent.
  • Place your stick parallel to the ground, with the scoop facing the ball.
  • Keep your eyes on the ball at all times.

3: Scoop the Ball

  • As the ball rolls towards you, use the rounded edge of the scoop to scoop it up.
  • Quickly bring the stick up to your waist, using your top hand to secure the ball in the pocket.
  • Practice scooping the ball from different angles and distances to improve your accuracy.

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Tips for Improving Your Scooping Skills

  • Use the entire scoop to pick up the ball, not just the tip.
  • Practice scooping with both hands to improve your versatility.
  • Work on scooping the ball in one motion, without stopping and starting.

Benefits of Scooping a Lacrosse Ball

  • Improves hand-eye coordination and reaction time.
  • Helps you control the ball and make quick transitions.
  • Increases your confidence and ability to make split-second decisions.

Key Takeaways

  • Choose the right stick with a curved scoop and rounded edge.
  • Get into the right position with your feet shoulder-width apart and stick parallel to the ground.
  • Use the entire scoop to pick up the ball and bring the stick to your waist.
  • Practice scooping from different angles and distances to improve accuracy.
  • Improving your scooping skills can help improve hand-eye coordination and increase confidence on the field.

Facts and Figures

  • The first lacrosse game was played in the 1700s by Native American tribes.
  • Lacrosse is now the fastest-growing sport in the US.
  • The average lacrosse stick is between 40-42 inches long.

FAQ’s on Scooping a Lacrosse Ball

What is the scoop in a lacrosse stick used for?

The scoop in a lacrosse stick is used for picking up the ball from the ground and catching it in the pocket of the stick.

How do I choose the right lacrosse stick for scooping?

Look for a stick with a curved scoop and rounded edge. Consider the length of the stick and invest in one with a good pocket.

What is the best position to be in when scooping a lacrosse ball?

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent. Place your stick parallel to the ground with the scoop facing the ball.

How do I improve my scooping skills?

Practice scooping the ball from different angles and distances, use the entire scoop to pick up the ball, and work on scooping in one motion.

What are the benefits of scooping a lacrosse ball?

Scooping improves hand-eye coordination, reaction time, and confidence on the field.

How do I secure the ball in the pocket of my lacrosse stick?

Quickly bring the stick up to your waist, using your top hand to secure the ball in the pocket.


In conclusion, scooping a lacrosse ball is a critical skill that requires practice and the right equipment.

By choosing the right lacrosse stick, getting into the correct position, and using the entire scoop to pick up the ball, players can greatly improve their hand-eye coordination, reaction time, and confidence on the field.

Remember to practice from different angles and distances, and to use both hands for versatility. With dedication and effort, anyone can master the art of scooping a lacrosse ball.

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